The man told me that it was £1200 to keep a caravan at Marsh Farm for the year, and I am seriously considering the idea. It would be great to come down here at the weekend and just chill out and catch big carp. Check out
Anyway, back to the fishing. It was hot (as usual) and overcast, but with quite a strong breeze to keep me cool. This seemed to be perfect conditions for the carp, but not so much for my tactics. I can be lazy at times, and fail to change them when they prove to be fruitless.
Lessons Learnt
Here are a few things that I learnt from this jolly caper at Marsh farm:
- Keep checking your hook link length for damage as even small carp will snap you otherwise
- Placing your bait close to a snag is a balancing act between ensuring getting a bite and ensuring that when you do, the carp disappears into said snag, never to be seen again
- Tie your own hook lengths as pre-tied shop ones are not strong enough
- Keep changing your bait for a fresh one very frequently, and re-cast out the ledger every hour